Balanced Feet
How’s your balance? Are you still steady on your feet?
Do your feet ache? Especially, the first thing in the morning.
Foot pain is becoming a real thing… especially, at mid life. So, let’s talk about our aging connective tissue.
Gentle Spine Massage with Ball
This exercise is a client favorite and a game changer for me.
Fresh-squeezed Lemonade with Honey
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. This homemade lemonade made with honey instead of cane sugar is so refreshing and is packed with nutrients and anti-oxidants.
Fresh Pico de Gallo
Nothing beats fresh homemade Pico de Gallo made with tomatoes and peppers picked straight from the garden.
Can you balance on one leg?
Can you balance on one leg? Balance is important for longevity. This test will show you how much work you need to do to get balanced.
Guilt-Free Coleslaw
Try this guilt-free coleslaw recipe with your next cookout. It’s got a great flavor so you won’t miss the mayo.
Vegetable Chili w/ Ground Turkey
This vegetable chili is one meal in a bowl with the vegetables, beans and lean protein from the ground turkey. Make it without the ground turkey and it’s completely vegetarian.
Let’s do Some Living
I took a trip to Muscle Shoals, Alabama with my best friend to find out about the magic in the water.
Fresh Bruschetta
Buy fresh ingredients and mix them together and you cannot go wrong with this delicious bruschetta.
Kale Pesto Recipe
Have you noticed that Kale is all the rage these days? Well, there is a reason. It’s because it is so nutrient dense that it is a great way to get a lot of vitamins in one meal.
Roasted Veggie Quinoa Bowl
I stole this meatless meal from Tom Brady. It is so filling and the Cashew Curry Sauce has the fat and protein from nuts along with the protein packed quinoa that make it a perfectly satisfying vegan dish.
Quinoa Tabbouleh
Here's a recipe for Quinoa Tabbouleh. Quinoa is a grain that is considered a “superfood” of sorts because it has a high protein content making it good for a vegetarian meal. I think it works great in place of bulgur wheat in Tabbouleh.
Vegetarian… to be or not to be?
I am not vegetarian. This is not a vegetarian blog. But, it is a blog about vegetables. It is a blog about meals made from whole foods that have come straight from mother nature.
The Perfect Sit-up
The Pilates exercise called the “Half Roll Down” is in my opinion the perfect sit-up for all ages or fitness levels. It is the modified version of the traditional Pilates exercise call “The Roll Up” but when done correctly, it can be very challenging and effective to strength the core musculature.
Up and Running
You can’t outrun pain at midlife… or can you?
Well, I’m 53 and I started running again… and I mean running without pain.
Remain active for the rest of your life.
You want to remain active for the rest of your life. You want to continue to play golf, tennis, pickle ball. You want to continue to play with your kids and grandkids. You want to go skiing, jogging, swimming and hiking.
Age is inevitable, but losing your balance is not.
Let’s remain active for the rest of our lives. After age 50, it is important to move in an aligned way to avoid losing your balance. It is important exercise to improve strength and flexibility so that you can continue doing the activities you love… and to reduce the risk of catastrophic falls.