Balanced Feet

How’s your balance? Are you still steady on your feet?

Do your feet ache?  Especially, the first thing in the morning.

Foot pain is becoming a real thing… especially, at mid life.  So, let’s talk about our aging connective tissue. 

As we age, our connective tissue, known as fascia, gets dry and tight, which affects how our feet locate the ground. Connective tissue is the key to proprioception, which is how we orient ourselves in space… in other words how we balance.

We need good steady blood flow to this tissue.  We need to hydrate this tissue to become supple again and so we can articulate our joints… so we can balance ourselves.

What we first need to do is gently massage the feet to increase hydration and blood flow to the tight, dry tissues. 

Think of a dry sponge.  If you simply pour water over it, the water will just roll off.  But, if you gently manipulate and massage the sponge, the water will begin to soak in.  

This 2 minute foot massage with small balls that are soft can do wonders to begin to hydrate this tissue. 

You will feel the difference.  So after completing all 4 steps on the first foot, stand with your feet side by side and feel how much lighter and connected to the earth the first leg feel (all the way up to the hip). It’s amazing.

I love these soft lacrosse balls that I found on Amazon.


Gentle Spine Massage with Ball