Vegetarian… to be or not to be?
I am not vegetarian, but I guess you could say that percentage-wise I come pretty darn close. I eat a ton of veggies and whole grains and only eat little bit of animal protein.
When it comes to our diets, I really don’t think there needs to be a lot of strict rules. Just try to eat what Mama makes. And, by Mama, I mean Mother Nature. She provides us with wholesome nutrition that our bodies need for strength and vitality… what we are all looking for more of as we age.
80/20 Rule
However, there is one rule that I do follow when it comes to my diet… it’s the 80/20 rule.
The first principle of the 80/20 rule is that 80% of the meal should consist of vegetables and whole grains leaving the remaining 20% to consist of lean meat, fish or eggs.
That’s easy enough, right? But, wait… there’s a 2nd principle to the 80/20 rule, which applies to the amount of food you eat at each sitting.
It’s simple. Eat only until you are 80% full. This is important because leaving that last 20% of the stomach empty helps to maximize the use of gastric juices for digestion of the meal.
Reduce inflammation and disease.
Another reason that I eat a high percentage of veggies is that not only do they naturally provide important nutrients and fiber, but they also help keep a stable acid/alkaline balance in the body. In general terms, a body that is too acidic is more prone to inflammation and disease. So, to keep the inflammation down in your body (which presents itself as digestive issues, arthritis, insomnia, migraines, allergies, anxiety, etc), eat more veggies.
Eat like Tom Brady
Following the 80/20 rule at every meal is a great habit to get into. Trust me. It can be done, and it makes such a difference in strength and vitality.
But, hey… if you don’t believe me, take it from Tom Brady, the guy who knows a lot about aging well. I mean, I’ll have what he’s having. Right?
So, like Tom, I eat meat… just not a lot of it.
For more about the 80/20 Rule and Tom Brady’s diet, click here.
For a Turkey Veggie Chili Recipe (an 80/20 meal in one bowl), click here.