Can you balance on one leg?
When is the last time you’ve tried balancing on one leg?
Balance can Determine Longevity
Last year, an NBC News aritcle reported on a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine that suggested that a person’s ability to balance on one leg for 10 seconds had a correlation to a person’s longevity.
The study found that those who could not balance on one leg for 10 seconds were twice as likely to die in the next 10 years.
The researchers were not able to determine the reasons behind this correlation. But, one assumption is the risk of catastrophic fall due to poor balance.
The Good News
As we know, aging is not for the faint of heart. But, we don’t have to sit back and watch the decline. We can get up, get moving and do something about it.
I know first hand from working with older clients that balance can improve dramatically with consistent practice.
In fact, I have a 76 year old client, who started working with me via ZOOM sessions during the pandemic because he was concerned about his failing balance.
Now, after 3 years of consistent practice, this 76-year-old can perform all balance exercises with great improvement. This client now believes that balance can improve as you age.
Try this balance exercise
As I explain in the video below, you can test your balance in stages.
Start by grounding all four corners of your feet onto the hard ground. You will feel the muscles in the legs fire up
Starting by balancing on the right foot, ground it down into the floor keeping the leg muscles engaged.
Lift left heel up off the floor to assess how steady you feel.
Progress to just having your left toes touching the floor.
If steady enough, lift the left foot off the floor.
Progress to holding on underneath your leg with both hands.
Press the leg into the hands to feel the muscles of the left leg fire up.
Keeping the leg pressing into your hands, begin to straighten the leg as straight as you can.
Hold for 10 seconds at least.
It helps to fix your gaze on one spot on the floor.
Make sure you are on a hard surface and not trying to balance on a thick carpet or yoga mat.
Balance is about both strength and flexibility. Click here for easy exercises that you can do everyday.