Balance books
Nothing here is an original thought. I have been inspired by so many great minds and bodies out there. Here is a sampling of books I’ve studied over my 30+ years of studying mind, body and spiritual health and human movement.
Pain Free by Pete Egoscue
Pete is a genius of the body, much like Joseph Pilates was. So, after studying the Pilates Method for 20 years, I began adding Pete’s alignment exercises to my routine. They have helped me and my clients tremendously. I include many key Egoscue-inspired exercises in my 15-minute balance workouts.
The Hidden Messages in Water by Dr Masaru Emoto
Dr. Emoto’s amazing study on water crystals. His study shows how a positive word or emotion can evoke a beautifully structured crystal while a negative word or emotion evokes horrifically distorted crystal structures. His work gives scientific credence to the vast spiritual teachings of spreading love and joy. It is fascinating, inspiring and believable.
The Body’s Many Cries for Water by Dr Batmanghelidj
This doctor found that many illnesses could be cured with water. Chronic dehydration can be the cause of so many insidious illnesses that we often over-medicate. Instead, we should be treating the underlying root cause… dehydration.
Loving What Is by Byron Katie
Byron Katie gives us a clear blueprint to debunking the negative thoughts that keep us stuck in negative patterns and looping suffering. Her method is a beautifully benevolent way to notice how your judgements of yourself, others and the world are causing you suffering. She helps you turn your thinking around to help bring more peace, joy and love into your life.